- 请求信息 : 2025-02-07 03:52:52 HTTP/1.1 GET : eastpipe.com/Thermal-power-construction/729.html
- 运行时间 : 0.157478s [ 吞吐率:6.35req/s ] 内存消耗:6,761.05kb 文件加载:147
- 查询信息 : 46 queries 16 writes
- 缓存信息 : 2 reads,0 writes
- 配置加载 : 72
- 会话信息 : SESSION_ID=3ojbc4i11rtva29c2q8sl9a0i4
- [ DB ] INIT mysql
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run cmf\behavior\InitHookBehavior @app_init [ RunTime:0.007021s ]
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/simplewind/thinkphp/lang/zh-cn.php
- [ ROUTE ] array (
'type' => 'module',
'module' =>
array (
0 => 'portal',
1 => 'Article',
2 => 'index',
'convert' => false,
- [ HEADER ] array (
'connection' => 'Keep-Alive',
'host' => 'eastpipe.com',
'accept-encoding' => 'br,gzip',
'accept-language' => 'en-US,en;q=0.5',
'accept' => 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8',
'user-agent' => 'CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)',
'content-type' => '',
'content-length' => '',
- [ PARAM ] array (
'id' => '729',
'cid' => '126',
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/simplewind/cmf/lang/zh-cn.php
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/admin/lang/zh-cn/common.php
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/goods/lang/zh-cn/common.php
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/order/lang/zh-cn/common.php
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/portal/lang/zh-cn/common.php
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run cmf\behavior\LangBehavior @app_begin [ RunTime:0.000780s ]
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/portal/lang/zh-cn.php
- [ CACHE ] INIT File
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/goods/lang/zh-cn/home.php
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/order/lang/zh-cn/home.php
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/portal/lang/zh-cn/home.php
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run cmf\behavior\HomeLangBehavior @home_init [ RunTime:0.000335s ]
- [ SESSION ] INIT array (
'id' => '',
'var_session_id' => '',
'prefix' => 'think',
'type' => '',
'auto_start' => true,
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/goods/lang/zh-cn/home.php
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/order/lang/zh-cn/home.php
- [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/portal/lang/zh-cn/home.php
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run cmf\behavior\HomeLangBehavior @home_init [ RunTime:0.000218s ]
- [ RUN ] app\portal\controller\ArticleController->index[ /www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/app/portal/controller/ArticleController.php(4) : eval()'d code(3) : eval()'d code(9) : eval()'d code(4) : eval()'d code(3) : eval()'d code ]
- [ BEHAVIOR ] Run plugins\switch_theme_demo\SwitchThemeDemoPlugin @switch_theme [ RunTime:0.001210s ]
- [ VIEW ] themes/pc_cn/portal/project_detail.html [ array (
0 => 'site_info',
1 => 'user_info',
2 => 'lang',
3 => 'topNavIndexDot',
4 => 'indexNavIndexDot',
5 => 'taskNavIndexDot',
6 => 'category',
7 => 'article',
8 => 'prev_article',
9 => 'next_article',
10 => 'category_id',
11 => 'article_id',
12 => 'theme_vars',
13 => 'theme_widgets',
) ]
- [8]未定义数组索引: nav_class_1[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/data/runtime/temp/cb7c398057c6c5e825000f21f0ef494c.php:83]
- [8]未定义数组索引: nav_class_2[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/data/runtime/temp/cb7c398057c6c5e825000f21f0ef494c.php:83]
- [8]未定义数组索引: nav_class_3[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/data/runtime/temp/cb7c398057c6c5e825000f21f0ef494c.php:83]
- [8]未定义数组索引: nav_class_4[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/data/runtime/temp/cb7c398057c6c5e825000f21f0ef494c.php:83]
- [8]未定义数组索引: nav_class_6[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/data/runtime/temp/cb7c398057c6c5e825000f21f0ef494c.php:83]
- [8]未定义数组索引: nav_class_7[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/data/runtime/temp/cb7c398057c6c5e825000f21f0ef494c.php:83]
- [8]未定义数组索引: nav_class_8[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/data/runtime/temp/cb7c398057c6c5e825000f21f0ef494c.php:83]
- [8]未定义数组索引: portal_excontent_index[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/simplewind/thinkphp/library/think/Collection.php:376]
- [8]未定义数组索引: portal_excontent_index[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/simplewind/thinkphp/library/think/Collection.php:376]
- [8]未定义数组索引: portal_excontent_index[/www/wwwroot/www.eastpipe.com/simplewind/thinkphp/library/think/Collection.php:376]
- [ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000349s ] mysql:host=;port=3306;dbname=www_eastpipe_com;charset=utf8mb4
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_hook_plugin` [ RunTime:0.000723s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `hook`,`plugin` FROM `cwkj_hook_plugin` WHERE `status` = 1 ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000208s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_portal_post` [ RunTime:0.000823s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `post`.* FROM `cwkj_portal_post` `post` INNER JOIN `cwkj_portal_category_post` `relation` ON `post`.`id`=`relation`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND ( `post`.`published_time` < '1738871572' AND `post`.`published_time` > '0' ) AND `post`.`post_status` = 99 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `relation`.`category_id` = '126' AND `relation`.`post_id` = '729' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000547s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_portal_excontent` [ RunTime:0.000551s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_portal_excontent` WHERE `portal_id` = 729 ORDER BY `sort_order` DESC [ RunTime:0.000161s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_goods_excontent` [ RunTime:0.000550s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_goods_excontent` WHERE `goods_id` = 729 ORDER BY `sort_order` DESC [ RunTime:0.000149s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_portal_category` [ RunTime:0.000616s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 126 AND `is_show` = 1 AND `delete_time` = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000240s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `post`.*,`category_post`.`category_id` FROM `cwkj_portal_post` `post` LEFT JOIN `cwkj_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND ( `post`.`published_time` < '1738871572' AND `post`.`published_time` > '0' ) AND `category_post`.`category_id` = '126' AND `post`.`id` < '729' AND ( lang=1 ) ORDER BY `category_post`.`list_order` DESC,`post`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000712s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `post`.*,`category_post`.`category_id` FROM `cwkj_portal_post` `post` LEFT JOIN `cwkj_portal_category_post` `category_post` ON `post`.`id`=`category_post`.`post_id` WHERE `post`.`post_type` = 1 AND ( `post`.`published_time` < '1738871572' AND `post`.`published_time` > '0' ) AND `post`.`delete_time` = 0 AND `category_post`.`category_id` = '126' AND `post`.`id` > 729 AND ( lang=1 ) ORDER BY `category_post`.`list_order` ASC,`post`.`id` ASC LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000779s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_portal_category` WHERE `id` = 126 AND `is_show` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000231s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_portal_post` SET `post_hits`=`post_hits`+1 WHERE `id` = 729 [ RunTime:0.004463s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_traffic_statistics` [ RunTime:0.000549s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `t_id` FROM `cwkj_traffic_statistics` WHERE `object_id` = 729 AND `type` = 1 AND `add_time` = '2025-02-07' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.002172s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_traffic_statistics` SET `hits`=`hits`+1 WHERE `t_id` = 10408 [ RunTime:0.005284s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_option` [ RunTime:0.000531s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `option_value` FROM `cwkj_option` WHERE `option_name` = 'storage' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000130s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_portal_sensitive` [ RunTime:0.000471s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `name`,`displace` FROM `cwkj_portal_sensitive` WHERE `status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.000133s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_plugin` [ RunTime:0.000504s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `config` FROM `cwkj_plugin` WHERE `name` = 'SwitchThemeDemo' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000130s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_theme_file` [ RunTime:0.000483s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/about' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000158s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/about',`name`='关于我们',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='关于我们-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=80 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/about' [ RunTime:0.004367s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/article' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000171s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/article',`name`='新闻中心【详情】',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='新闻中心-详情页-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/article' [ RunTime:0.004035s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/contact' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000171s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/contact',`name`='联系我们',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='联系我们-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=80 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/contact' [ RunTime:0.004416s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/index' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000205s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/Index/index',`file`='portal/index',`name`='首页',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='首页模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=2 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/index' [ RunTime:0.004069s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/innovate' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000172s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/innovate',`name`='创新研发',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='创新研发-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=60 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/innovate' [ RunTime:0.004099s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/join' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000223s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/join',`name`='加入我们',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='加入我们-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=70 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/join' [ RunTime:0.004152s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/list' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000189s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/list',`name`='新闻中心【列表】',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='新闻中心-列表-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=10 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/list' [ RunTime:0.004093s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/page' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000247s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/Page/index',`file`='portal/page',`name`='单页面-预留',`more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='单页面模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=9998 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/page' [ RunTime:0.004029s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/product' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000178s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/product',`name`='产品中心【列表】',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='产品中心-列表-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=40 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/product' [ RunTime:0.004289s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/product_detail' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000165s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/product_detail',`name`='产品中心【详情】',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='产品中心-详情页-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=40 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/product_detail' [ RunTime:0.004965s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/project' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000176s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/List/index',`file`='portal/project',`name`='工程领域【列表】',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='工程领域-列表-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=50 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/project' [ RunTime:0.004011s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/project_detail' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000166s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/Article/index',`file`='portal/project_detail',`name`='工程领域【详情】',`more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[]}',`description`='工程领域-详情页-模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=50 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/project_detail' [ RunTime:0.004620s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/search/index' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000171s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme_file` SET `theme`='pc_cn',`action`='portal/Search/index',`file`='portal/search/index',`name`='搜索页',`more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`config_more`='{\"vars\":[],\"widgets\":[]}',`description`='搜索页模板文件',`is_public`=0,`list_order`=9998 WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND `file` = 'portal/search/index' [ RunTime:0.004150s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' [ RunTime:0.000185s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_theme` [ RunTime:0.000553s ]
- [ SQL ] UPDATE `cwkj_theme` SET `name`='default',`version`='1.0.0',`author`='Ahui',`lang`='zh-cn',`keywords`='模板',`description`='默认模板' WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' [ RunTime:0.004135s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT `more` FROM `cwkj_theme_file` WHERE `theme` = 'pc_cn' AND ( `is_public` = 1 OR `file` = 'portal/project_detail' ) [ RunTime:0.000146s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_slide_item` [ RunTime:0.000587s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_slide_item` WHERE `status` = 1 AND ( slide_id=2 and lang=1 ) ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000166s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_nav_menu` [ RunTime:0.000526s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_nav_menu` WHERE `nav_id` = 1 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000193s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_nav_menu` WHERE `nav_id` = 4 AND `status` = 1 ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000234s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_slide_item` WHERE `status` = 1 AND ( slide_id=4 and lang=1 ) ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000181s ]
- [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `cwkj_link` [ RunTime:0.000522s ]
- [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `cwkj_link` WHERE `status` = 1 ORDER BY `list_order` ASC [ RunTime:0.000187s ]
